How-Do-I Guide

Working with Object and PyObject

The CPython API is only to be invoked directly from within src/nrnpython.

The way to support using Python from outside this folder without introducing a dependency on Python is to declare a function pointer outside the folder, then have that function pointer be set by something inside e.g. src/nrnpython/nrnpy_hoc.cpp. All uses outside the folder must first check to see if the funciton pointer is not NULL; if it is NULL then Python is not available. This is done for a number of functions in the nrnpy_hoc() function in src/nrnpython/nrnpy_hoc.cpp.

To check if a NEURON object is wrapping a PyObject

To see if an Object* obj is wrapping a PyObject, check if

obj->ctemplate->sym == nrnpy_pyobj_sym_

The variable nrnpy_pyobj_sym_ here is a Symbol* and it is shared and available at least within nrnpython. (See object types below for more about detecting the type of an Object*.)

To check if a PyObject is wrapping a NEURON object

Use PyObject_TypeCheck(po, hocobject_type) where po is the PyObject.

To encapsulate a NEURON Object in a PyObject

Use nrnpy_ho2po. If the NEURON object is wrapping a PyObject it returns the original PyObject with the reference count increased by one. Otherwise it returns a PyHocObject. Note: this function does not convert NEURON strings or floats to PyObject instances as those are not internally stored with Object instances. Those can be converted directly using the CPython API e.g. PyFloat_FromDouble, PyLong_FromLong.

To encapsule a PyObject in a NEURON Object

Use nrnpy_po2ho. If the object is wrapping a NEURON Object, it increments the NEURON object’s reference count by 1 and returns the original NEURON object. Otherwise it returns a new NEURON Object* wrapping the PyObject and increments the PyObject reference count (remember, this can be checked using the macro Py_REFCNT). In particular, this function always returns a NEURON object, even for strings and floats that would be more naturally represented in NEURON as their respective datatypes.

To check if a PyObject is a number

Use nrnpy_numbercheck(po) where po is the PyObject* to check.

This is built-on but has modified semantics from the CPython API PyNumber_Check to detect things that NEURON cannot treat directly as numbers, like complex numbers.

To reference a NEURON Object

Use hoc_obj_ref(obj) where obj is an Object*. This is defined in src/oc/hoc_oop.c. Include src/oc/oc_ansi.h to define the function prototype.

To dereference a NEURON Object

Use hoc_obj_unref(obj) where obj is an Object*. This is defined in src/oc/hoc_oop.c. Include src/oc/oc_ansi.h to define the function prototype.


Only positional arguments (and sec=) are allowed in NEURON except for functions with no HOC equivalent that are handled separately.

Note: NEURON argument indices are always numbered from 1.

Check for the existence of an argument

Use ifarg(n) to check to see if there is an ``n``th argument (the arguments are numbered from 1).

Many existing functions and methods currently do not check for too many arguments, however doing so is recommended as it indicates a probable user error.

Check the type of an argument

Relevant functions include: - hoc_is_object_arg(n) - hoc_is_pdouble_arg(n) - hoc_is_str_arg(n) - hoc_is_double_arg(n)

Get the value of an argument

Relevant functions include: - hoc_obj_getarg(n)

May want to combine this with nrnpy_ho2po if you know the argument is a PyObject; e.g.

PyObject* obj = nrnpy_ho2po(*hoc_objgetarg(n))
  • vector_arg(n) – returns a Vect*
  • hoc_pgetarg(n) – returns a double**
  • gargstr(n)
  • getarg(n) – returns a double*. Python bools, ints, and floats are all valid inputs.

Note: attempting to get the wrong type of an argument displays a “bad stack access” message and a Python RuntimeError exception gets raised. If multiple types of arguments are possible, you must check the type of the argument first.


Declaring classes

Classes are declared using the class2oc function, e.g.

class2oc("ClassName", cons, destruct, members, NULL, retobj_members, NULL)

Here cons is the constructor, which must take an Object* and return a void*.

destruct is the destructor, which takes a void* and has no return.

members is a null-terminated array of Member_func of methods that in Python could return float, integer, or bool. In HOC, these all return doubles. - To specify the return type as seen by Python, set hoc_return_type_code. A value of 0 indicates

the function is returning a float; 1 indicates an integer; a value of 2 indicates a bool.
  • Each of these methods must take a void* and return a double.

retobj_methods is a null-terminated array of Member_ret_obj_func of methods that return objects. (The actual functions implementing them take a void* and return an Object**.)

Object types

The type of every NEURON Object* obj is determined by it’s ctemplate->sym. This is a Symbol*. The pointers can be directly compared to see if two objects are of the same type. In particular, a Symbol has a char* field name. That is, to print the name of the type that obj is an instance of, one can use:

printf("The type of obj is: %s\n", obj->ctemplate->sym->name);

The hoc_lookup function takes a NEURON class name and returns the associated Symbol*. For example:

Symbol* vector_sym = hoc_lookup("Vector");

NEURON provides internal convenience functions is_obj_type(Object* obj, const char* type_name) and check_obj_type(Object* obj, const char* type_name) that check to see if obj is of the type specified by type_name. The former returns a 1 (true) or 0 (false); the latter has no return and raises an error if the type is wrong. These work by doing a strcmp. If the Symbol* is known, it is more efficient to directly compare the Symbol*.

For example, to see if obj is an instance of Vector and the Symbol* is not already known, use is_obj_type(obj, "Vector").

These convenience functions are defined in src/oc/hoc_oop.cpp.

HocCommand objects

The HocCommand class, defined in src/ivoc/objcmd.cpp, provides a consistent interface for calling Python or HOC code. The constructor accepts a const char* for HOC, or a const char* and an Object* also for HOC (in this case the HOC string is executed in the context of the object), or an Object* that wraps a Python callable.

Each HocCommand object has a pyobject() method that returns the underlying Python object if any, else NULL. This can be used to distinguish between HOC and Python calls.

The execute() method runs the underlying HOC or Python code. No value is returned in this case.

The func_call(int narg, int* perr) method returns a double from invoking the HOC or Python. The value pointed to by perr is set to 1 if the HocCommand is to run Python but running Python failed. Otherwise perr is unchanged. In particular, note that if perr originally points to a 1, then it will still point to a 1 even upon success. The number of arguments is indicated with narg. The arguments themselves must have already been pushed onto NEURON’s stack, e.g. with pushx for doubles, hoc_push_object for Object*, hoc_push_str for char**, or hoc_pushpx for pointers to doubles (stack manipulation functions are defined in src/oc/code.cpp).

Miscellaneous tips

Raising a NEURON error

Use hoc_execerror which takes two char* arguments (which can be NULL). e.g.

hoc_execerror("Message part 1", "Message part 2");

Note: all NEURON errors currently are received by Python as a RuntimeError exception, and all errors print their error messages before returning to Python, meaning that they will always print out, even inside a try/except block.

Checking if the name of an internal symbol

hoc_table_lookup(name, hoc_built_in_symlist) returns NULL if name not in the symlist; otherwise it returns the Symbol*