HOC Interpreter


Quote from Wikipedia

“HOC, an acronym for High Order Calculator, is an interpreted programming language that was used in the 1984 book The Unix Programming Environment to demonstrate how to build interpreters using Yacc.”

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoc_(programming_language)

This books stands as ground base for the implementation of HOC Interpreter in NEURON. Points of interest are:

  • chapter 8 → details about HOC design and development, done in 6 stages. It goes incrementally from a simple calculator to base HOC language.

  • appendix 2 → HOC manual

  • appendix 3 → code listing of the last stage (hoc6)

Source Code

We can distinguish several folders under ‘src’:

  • ‘src/oc’ → Source code for the base HOC interpreter

  • ‘src/ivoc’ → GUI-related code but also general purpose data structures like Vector, List or File (developed in C++)

  • ‘src/nrnoc’ → NEURON-related HOC code

  • ‘src/nrniv’ → modern NEURON, as it is used today; contains several C++ neuron-related additions.

Entry point

Main entry point called ‘ivocmain’ is found in ‘ivocmain.cpp’ located under ‘src/ivoc’.

This will call ‘ivocmain_session()’ with parameter ‘start_session’ set to 1 that will effectively be dropping into the HOC Interpreter via ‘hoc_main1()’:

    int ivocmain (int argc, const char** argv, const char** env) {
      return ivocmain_session(argc, argv, env, 1);
    int ivocmain_session (int argc, const char** argv, const char** env, int start_session) {
    	hoc_main1(our_argc, our_argv, env);

HOC Grammar

With respect to the HOC grammar we have:

  • ‘src/oc/parse.ypp’ → HOC language is defined thanks to bison/yacc; this file holds actual HOC grammar

    The grammar consists of token definitions, left-right precedence setup, grammar rules (i.e. expressions like assignments) and actions; these actions represent code blocks triggered when rules have been recognised.

    HOC also provides functions and procedures. Grammar wise, the difference is that functions are treated as expressions whereas procedures are statements. Technically, a function will return a value and a procedure will not.

    Given different depth of rules, parsing makes use of a stack where we normally push operands and operators. These are basically symbols(Symbol) or machine instructions tied to grammar actions(Inst).

    HOC uses an interpreter data stack, an instruction machine and a separate function/procedure (nested) call stack (combined together as a stack machine).

    Therefore grammar parsing type is defined as:

    %union {             /* stack type */
       Symbol *sym;        /* symbol table pointer */
       Inst   *inst;       /* machine instruction */
       int    narg;        /* number of arguments */
       void*  ptr;

    which will generate

    typedef union YYSTYPE

    Parsing relies on a lexer function that performs input tokenisation, called ‘yylex()’ (implemented in ‘src/oc/hoc.cpp’).

    It “communicates” with the parser (yyparse()) via a variable of the same type as the stack: ‘YYSTYPE yylval’.

    As mentioned earlier, tokens are defined in the grammar. Each of them have a type that corresponds to what we have in YYSTYPE, for example:

    %token <sym>  LOCALOBJ AUTOOBJ
    %token <narg> ARG NUMZERO ARGREF
    %type  <inst> expr stmt asgn prlist delsym stmtlist strnasgn

    means LOCALOBJ is of type `Symbol *sym; /* symbol table pointer */`. Grammar rules can also be mapped to a type, for example strnasgn is of type `Inst *inst; /* machine instruction */`.

  • ‘src/oc/hoc.h’ → includes two headers

    • ‘redef.h’ → some HOC redefinitions

    • ‘hocdec.h’ → here we find global data structures.

      HOC is context aware, so to that end we have a symbol table where we put new variables but also keywords, builtins and other constructs (see HOC Initialisation). We find the Symbol struct here:

        typedef struct Symbol {	/* symbol table entry */
          char	*name;
          short	type;
          short	subtype;	/* Flag for user integers */
          short	public;		/* flag set public variable */
          short	defined_on_the_fly;/* moved here because otherwize gcc and borland do not align the same way */
          union {
            int	oboff;	/* offset into object data pointer space */
            double	*pval;		/* User defined doubles - also for alias to scalar */
            HocStruct Object* object_;	/* alias to an object */
            char	*cstr;		/* constant string */
            double	*pnum;		/* Numbers */
            int	*pvalint;	/* User defined integers */
            float	*pvalfloat;	/* User defined floats */
            int	u_auto;		/* stack offset # for AUTO variable */
            double	(*ptr)();	/* if BLTIN */
            Proc	*u_proc;
            struct {
              short type;	/* Membrane type to find Prop */
              int index;	/* prop->param[index] */
            HocStruct Symbol **ppsym;	/* Pointer to symbol pointer array */
            HocStruct Template *template;
            HocStruct Symbol* sym;	/* for external */
          } u;
          unsigned   s_varn;	/* dependent variable number - 0 means indep */
          Arrayinfo *arayinfo;	/* ARRAY information if null then scalar */
          HocSymExtension* extra; /* additions to symbol allow compatibility
                  with old nmodl dll's */
          HocStruct Symbol	*next;	/* to link to another */
        } Symbol;

      Union u is used to hold actual value of the symbol given its type.

      We also have Inst, which represents the data type of a machine instruction and is tied to function pointers of different types that correspond to different functions or grammar actions:

        typedef int	(*Pfri)(void);
        typedef void	(*Pfrv)(void);
        typedef double	(*Pfrd)(void);
        typedef struct Object** (*Pfro)(void);
        typedef const char** (*Pfrs)(void);
        typedef int	(*Pfri_vp)(void*);
        typedef void	(*Pfrv_vp)(void*);
        typedef double	(*Pfrd_vp)(void*);
        typedef struct Object** (*Pfro_vp)(void*);
        typedef const char** (*Pfrs_vp)(void*);
        typedef union Inst { /* machine instruction list type */
          Pfrv	pf;
          Pfrd	pfd;
          Pfro	pfo;
          Pfrs	pfs;
          Pfrv_vp	pfv_vp;
          Pfrd_vp	pfd_vp;
          Pfro_vp	pfo_vp;
          Pfrs_vp	pfs_vp;
          HocUnion Inst	*in;
          HocStruct Symbol	*sym;
          void*	ptr;
          int	i;
        } Inst;

      The interpreter data stack has the following type StackDatum:

        using StackDatum = std::variant<double,          // old Datum::val
                                        Symbol*,         // old Datum::sym
                                        int,             // old Datum::i
                                        Object**,        // old Datum::pobj
                                        Object*,         // old Datum::obj
                                        char**,          // old Datum::pstr
                                        double*,         // old Datum::pval
                                        std::nullptr_t>; // old STKOBJ_UNREF
  • ‘src/oc/code.cpp’ → here we find the stack machine definitions and routines that manipulate it, and as well as functions tied to different functionalities or grammar actions (HOC routines), like for example call() that will perform a function call.

      static std::vector<StackDatum> stack{}; // the data stack
      #define    NPROG  50000
      Inst   *prog; /* the machine */
      Inst   *progp;       /* next free spot for code generation */
      Inst   *pc;      /* program counter during execution */
      Inst   *progbase; /* start of current subprogram */
      Inst   *prog_parse_recover; /* start after parse error */
      int    hoc_returning; /* 1 if return stmt seen, 2 if break, 3 if continue */
               /* 4 if stop */
      namespace nrn::oc {
      struct frame {             /* proc/func call stack frame */
          Symbol* sp;            /* symbol table entry */
          Inst* retpc;           /* where to resume after return */
          StackDatum* argn;      /* n-th argument on stack */
          int nargs;             /* number of arguments */
          Inst* iter_stmt_begin; /* Iterator statement starts here */
          Object* iter_stmt_ob;  /* context of Iterator statement */
          Object* ob;            /* for stack frame debug message */
      }  // namespace nrn::oc
      using Frame = nrn::oc::frame;
      #define NFRAME 512 /* default size */
      static Frame *frame, *fp, *framelast; /* first, frame pointer, last */

    The important thing to note here is the Frame structure, used for functions and procedures. They are installed in a symbol table and have a make us of a machine instruction retpc used to know where to return after execution.

    Arguments come in variably like $1, $2 and so on, and the way we incorporate them is by pointing to the last one on the stack (StackDatum *argn) and passing int nargs.

  • ‘src/oc/symbol.cpp’ → defines several symbol tables and utility functions to install and lookup symbols (see HOC Initialisation)

  typedef struct Symlist {
  	HocStruct Symbol *first;
  	HocStruct Symbol *last;
  Symlist	*hoc_built_in_symlist = (Symlist *)0; /* keywords, built-in functions,	all name linked into hoc. Look in this list last */
  Symlist	*hoc_top_level_symlist = (Symlist *)0; /* all user names seen at top-level	(non-public names inside templates do not appear here) */
  Symlist	*symlist = (Symlist *)0;	/* the current user symbol table: linked list */
  Symlist	*p_symlist = (Symlist *)0; 	/* current proc, func, or temp table */
  									/* containing constants, strings, and auto */
  									/* variables. Discarding these lists at */
  									/* appropriate times prevents storage leakage. */
  • ‘src/oc/hoc_oop.cpp’ → holds HOC functions providing support for OOP

HOC Initialization

  • Argument parsing

Before HOC interpreter initialisation, ‘ivocmain_session()’ takes into account different options passed down from command line arguments and sets variables accordingly.

HOC-interpreter importance wise, we have:

    • ‘NSTACK’→ HOC interpreter stack space

    • ‘NFRAME’ → number of frames available.

        -NSTACK integer  size of stack (default 1000)\n\
        -NFRAME integer  depth of function call nesting (default 200)\n\

Default values are used if user does not supply them → in ‘src/oc/code.cpp’. We often need to specify a higher NFRAME (i.e. 1000 when we do morphology loading as that tends towards deeper function call nesting when parsing).

These values are checked systematically when we use the stack or frames for procedures and functions (everything is in ‘src/oc/code.cpp’,); the actual space allocation for HOC stack and frames is done in ‘hoc_init_space()’.

  • Interpreter initialisation
    ‘hoc_main1_init()’ is in charge of the HOC interpreter initialisation. In the following image we can see ‘hoc_main1()’ is also a caller; this is the hoc interpreter part taking input line by line and executing it, discussed in next section.

    Most of the initialisation is actually handled through ‘hoc_init()’

    ‘hoc_init()’ will perform the following

    1. call ‘hoc_init_space()’ to allocate space for HOC interpreter stack and frames

    2. install symbols with the help of ‘hoc_install’ (alias of ‘install()’ function implemented in ‘src/oc/symbol.cpp’):

      1. keywords like : if, else, proc, localobj and so on

      2. constants like: PI, GAMMA, FARADAY and so on

      3. builtin HOC functions like: sin(), cos(), sqrt(), xopen(), sscanf(), execute(), load_file(), nrnversion() and so forth

    3. install some variable symbols using ‘hoc_install_var()’ defined in ‘src/oc/symbol.cpp’

    4. call ‘hoc_spinit()’ implemented in ‘src/oc/hocusr.cpp’, which will

      1. hoc_install() user variables ( like float/double/integer, scalars, arrays, vectors)

      2. hoc_install() user functions (like pt3dadd(), finitialize(), psection() and so on)

      3. call ‘hoc_last_init()’ to finalise setup, including:

        1. create NrnThreads

        2. hoc_install() neuron related variables ( t, dt, v, i_membrane_) and user properties ( nseg, L, rallbranch, Ra)

        3. finish memory allocations for different neuron variables

        4. call modl_reg() and mswin_load_dll() to load external mechanisms from mech library

    5. call ‘hoc_class_registration()’ implemented in ‘src/ivoc/classreg.cpp’ which will register classes found in different parts of the source tree, like:

      1. List, Vector, Matrix and so on, classes from ‘src/ivoc/’

      2. Shape, BBSaveState and so on, classes from ‘src/nrniv’

HOC Interpreter - executing the machine

As pointed out in previous section, ‘hoc_main1()’ launches the interpreter and executes different hoc commands either line by line from input file or from prompt.

This is handled by the next routine:

HOC interpreter main routine

 	while (moreinput())
 	return 0;

Whereas ‘hoc_run1()’ will perform parsing (ultimately via bison generated ‘yyparse()’), which will then point to the start machine instruction Inst that is passed on to execution via execute (hoc_execute() redef):

  for (initcode(); hoc_yyparse(); initcode())

HOC Interpreter example - printf

When a function (or even a procedure) is called we have:

  • arguments parsed (and eventually computed) pushed to the interpreter data stack

  • the interpreter machine will have

    • call opcode → this is linked to the call() function implemented in ‘src/oc/code.cpp’

    • sym holding the symbol table pointer for the function

    • nargs holding the number of arguments passed to the function

  • a new Frame is pushed onto the frame stack, containing

    • argn pointer to interpreter stack of the last argument

    • nargs number of arguments

    • retpc where to return after the function call

    • sp symbol table pointer of the printf

How does this map to parse.ypp grammar? Corresponding part is :

   | function begin '(' arglist ')'
      { $$ = $2; code(call); codesym($1); codei($4); PN;}

Here we notice call opcode that was pushed to the interpreter machine, together with the sym of called function and the number of args via codei call.

So given the following HOC call:

oc>printf("%s equals %d", "one plus two", 1+2)

the parsing will parse the arguments and the interpreter will perform call(). At this point, program counter pc points to the printf symbol table entry and just after we have the number of arguments nargs. We now push and setup a new Frame:

// call a function
void hoc_call() {
    int i, isec;
    Symbol* sp = pc[0].sym; /* symbol table entry for printf */
    if (++fp >= framelast) {
        execerror(sp->name, "call nested too deeply, increase with -NFRAME framesize option");
    fp->sp = sp;
    fp->nargs = pc[1].i;
    fp->retpc = pc + 2; // This is where we return to after the printf call
    fp->argn = &stack.back(); // pointer to the last argument

By inspecting the frame we notice:

(lldb) p *fp
(Frame) $1 = {
  sp = 0x00006000017092c0
  retpc = 0x000000010038c060
  argn =  Active Type = double
  nargs = 3
  iter_stmt_begin = nullptr
  iter_stmt_ob = nullptr
  ob = nullptr

(lldb) p *fp->sp
(Symbol) $2 = {
  name = 0x0000600000014480 "printf"
  type = 280 // this is the type of the symbol, which corresponds to a builtin function: FUN_BLTIN = 280
  subtype = 0
  cpublic = 0
  defined_on_the_fly = 0
  u = {
    oboff = 2163136
    pval = 0x00006000002101c0
    object_ = 0x00006000002101c0
    cstr = 0x00006000002101c0 "\U00000010\U0000001a\xea"
    pnum = 0x00006000002101c0
    pvalint = 0x00006000002101c0
    pvalfloat = 0x00006000002101c0
    u_auto = 2163136
    ptr = 0x00006000002101c0
    u_proc = 0x00006000002101c0 // this is the active member
    rng = (type = 448, index = 24576)
    ppsym = 0x00006000002101c0
    ctemplate = 0x00006000002101c0
    sym = 0x00006000002101c0
  s_varn = 0
  arayinfo = nullptr
  extra = nullptr
  next = 0x0000600001709300
(lldb) p *fp->argn
(StackDatum) $3 =  Active Type = double  {
  Value = 3 // value of the last argument (1+2) has already been computed

call() will continue on to check the symbol, which tells us we are calling a builtin function (FUN_BLTIN = 280, see fp above), and call its function pointer mapped to hoc_PRintf:

if (sp->type == FUN_BLTIN || sp->type == OBJECTFUNC || sp->type == STRINGFUNC) {
    // Push slots for auto
    for (auto i = 0; i < sp->u.u_proc->nauto; ++i) {
    (*(sp->u.u_proc->defn.pf))(); /* this is where we call the printf function */
    if (hoc_errno_check()) {
        hoc_warning("errno set during call of", sp->name);
oc>printf("%s equals %d", "one plus two", 1+2)
Process 15255 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x0000000100e7cba0 libnrniv.dylib`hoc_call() at code.cpp:1403:10
   1400	        for (auto i = 0; i < sp->u.u_proc->nauto; ++i) {
   1401	            push_value(0.0);
   1402	        }
-> 1403	        (sp->u.u_proc->defn.pf)();
   1404	        if (hoc_errno_check()) {
   1405	            hoc_warning("errno set during call of", sp->name);
   1406	        }
Target 0: (nrniv) stopped.
(lldb) s
Process 15255 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = step in
    frame #0: 0x0000000100ea1a18 libnrniv.dylib`hoc_PRintf() at fileio.cpp:316:5
   313 	    char* buf;
   314 	    double d;
-> 316 	    hoc_sprint1(&buf, 1);
   317 	    d = (int) strlen(buf);
   318 	    plprint(buf);
   319 	    fflush(stdout);
Target 0: (nrniv) stopped.

hoc_sprint1() will be in charge of formatting the output using the parsed arguments. Once printing is done via plprint(), a call to ret() will perform Frame clean-up, pop arguments from interpreter data stack and set program counter pc to returning point retpc:

/* common return from func, proc, or iterator */
void hoc_ret() {
    // unref all the auto object pointers
    for (int i = fp->sp->u.u_proc->nobjauto - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        // this is going from the deepest automatic object in the stack to the shallowest
    // Pop off the autos
    for (auto i = 0; i < fp->sp->u.u_proc->nauto; ++i) {
    for (int i = 0; i < fp->nargs; i++) {
        // pop arguments
    hoc_pc = fp->retpc;
    hoc_returning = 1;

Length of outputted string (21 here) is pushed onto the interpreter data stack. Notice hoc_returning that is set to 1 to let the stack machine know execution is done; this is how we can signal nested calls if needed (out of scope for this example).

At the end of hoc_execute() we get:

one plus two equals 3	21