- class Timer
- Syntax:
timer = new Timer("stmt")
- Description:
Execute “stmt” at the end of each interval specified by timer.seconds(interval). The timer must be started and can be stopped. A Timer is used to implement the
load_file("nrngui.hoc") objref timer timer = new Timer("p()") invl = .2 nstep = 10 proc p() {local x istep += 1 tt = startsw() - t0 print istep, tt if (istep >= nstep) { timer.end() } doNotify() } proc begin() { istep = 0 timer.seconds(invl) t0 = startsw() tt = 0 timer.start() } xpanel("Timer Demo") xbutton("Start", "begin()") xbutton("Stop", "timer.end()") xpvalue("Interval", &invl, 1) xpvalue("#steps", &nstep, 1) xpvalue("istep", &istep) xpvalue("t", &tt) xpanel() begin()
- Timer.seconds()
- Syntax:
interval = timer.seconds()
interval = timer.seconds(interval)
- Description:
Specify the timer interval. Timer resolution is system dependent but is probably around 10 ms. The time it takes to execute the “stmt” is a part of the interval.
- Timer.start()
- Syntax:
- Description:
Start the timer. “stmt” will be called at the end of each interval defined by the argument to timer.seconds(interval).
- Timer.end()
- Syntax:
- Description:
Stop calling the “stmt”. At least on linux, this will prevent the calling of “stmt” at the end of the current interval.