Use this class only when interacting with legacy code. In Python, NEURON pointers can be assigned to a variable and manipulated directly; this class was created as a work-around for HOC which did not permit assigning pointers to a variable.
Pointer Class
- class Pointer
- Syntax:
h.Pointer(_ref_x, "stmt that may contain $1")
h.Pointer("variable", "stmt that may contain $1 or variable name")
>>> p = h.Pointer(h._ref_t) >>> p.val 0.0 >>> p.assign(42) 42.0 >>> h.t 42.0 >>> p.val = 13 >>> h.t 13.0
- Description:
Holds a reference to a variable. When memory for the variable is freed, the Pointer will return an error if used.
The optional second arg is used by
and is described there.
The string variable arguments refer to HOC variable names not Python variable names. See
for an example.
- Pointer.val
- Syntax:
x = ptr.val
ptr.val = expr
- Description:
Returns the value of the variable pointed to by ptr or, if the left hand side of an assignment, sets the value of the variable. See the example in the constructor.
- Pointer.s()
- Syntax:
str = ptr.s()
- Description:
If the Pointer was constructed with the name of a variable, that name can be retrieved as a string.
>>> h('create soma') 1 >>> p = h.Pointer('soma.v(0.5)') >>> p.s() 'soma.v(0.5)'
- Pointer.assign()
- Syntax:
x = ptr.assign(val)
- Description:
Sets the value of the pointer variable to val. If prt was constructed with a second arg then the execution depends on its form. If the second arg string contains one or more $1 tokens, then the tokens are replaced by
is set to the val and the resulting statement is executed. Otherwise the second arg string is assumed to be a variable name and a statement of the form variablename =hoc_ac_
is executed. Note that the compiling of these statements takes place just once when the Pointer is constructed. Thusptr.assign(val)
is marginally faster than execute(“stmt with val”).Returns val.