Shape and browser for creating a section panel
- usage:
ob = h.MenuExplore()
Pressing the left mouse button on a section in the Shape scene (make sure the Section popup menu item is selected) colors the section red and highlights the corresponding section name in the browser.
Pressing the left mouse button once on a name in the browser colors the corresponding section in the Shape Scene (you can drag the mouse as well).
Double clicking the left mouse button on a name in the browser pops up a panel showing the parameters associated with that section.
This assumes homogeneous sections by default. So Parameters which are not initialized as constants along the section get a label to that effect instead of a field editor. If this is not desired specify a position, 0 < x < 1, for the location.
If panels besides PARAMETER are desired select from the Type menu.
shape, browser, and menu for a point process
- usage:
ob = h.PointProcessLocator(pointprocess)
In the shape scene there is a blue dot showing the location of the pointprocess. Press the left mouse button at any point on the neuron to relocate the point process. Parameters of the point process are displayed in the lower part of the window.
Pressing the left mouse button on a section in the Shape scene (make sure the Section popup menu item is selected) colors the section red and highlights the corresponding section name in the browser.
Pressing the left mouse button once on a name in the browser colors the corresponding section in the Shape Scene (you can drag the mouse as well).
This class is useful as a part of a larger class and as a dialog for selecting a section.