Workflow Code Paths

The intention of the following section is to give an overview of important functions and code paths executed to perform certain actions.

NEURON simulations

A summary of the workflow of a typical NEURON simulation can be given with the following graph:


The parts of the simulation can be described as:

Register Mechanisms

Mechanisms in NEURON are defined in .mod files. Apart from some built in mechanisms if the user wants to use any additional mechanisms those need to be compiled using the nrnivmodl executable.

The nrnivmodl executable translates the MOD files from the NMODL language to C++. Those C++ files apart from the computation kernels also include a function named <mechanism_name>_reg_(void) that is essential for registering the mechanism functions in NEURON so that later the user can insert the mechanism in the needed compartments.

Mechanism registration
Every mechanism defines:  `<mech_name>_reg_(void)`.
`<mech_name>_reg_(void)` calls `register_mech(mechanism, <mech_name>_alloc, <mech_name>_cur, <mech_name>_jacob, nullptr, nullptr, -1, 1);`  and 
`neuron::mechanism::register_data_fields(mechtype, field<double>{"<var_name"}, field<double>{"<array_var_name", <Array_size>}, fields...);`
`register_mech` registrates the allocator, nrn_cur function, jacob function, etc
Every mechanism defines:  `<mech_name>_reg_(void)`....
`register_data_fields`: takes care creating the storage underneath by calling
`register_data_fields`: takes care creating the storage underneath by calling
neuron::mechanism::detail::register_data_fields(int type, std::vector<std::pair<const char*, int>> const& param_info, std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>> const& d...
neuron::container::Mechanism::storage(short mech_type, std::string name, std::vector<Variable> floating_point_fields)
floating_point_fields is a vector of structs that hold the informating for the various RANGE variables of the mechanism
We pass a `std::vector<Variable>` to a wrapper `neuron::container::Mechanism::field::FloatingPoint`. Due to the fact that the wrapper has a `num_instances` non static member function we need to allocate vectors for each one of the RANGE variables in the `m_var_info` member of `FloatingPoint`
neuron::container::Mechanism::storage sets `using base_type = soa<storage, field::FloatingPoint>;`
neuron::container::Mechanism::storage(short mech_type, std::string name, std::vector<Variable> floating_point_fields)...
field_data of each variable
field_data of each variable
Creation of `soa` storage struct which holds a tuple of detaill:field_data structs which is the underyling storage
Creation of `soa` storage struct which holds a tuple of detaill:field_data structs which is the underyling storage
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Circuit creation

During this part of the simulation the segments, sections and their connections are created. All these are created based on the circuit which is defined by the users in Python or HOC scripts with the respective API.

See: Topology and Topology.

During this part all the Node s are created as well as the Section s.

See C++ documentation: Node, Section and SectionPool.

The call graph of this part can be found below:

Circuit creation
Circuit cr...
This functions sets "tree_changed = 1;" which is used for shiffling sections later
It also calls "sec_alloc()" which allocates a `SectionPool`
It also allocates the `Node`s by calling cable_prop_assign()->nrn_change_nseg()->node_alloc():
there is one Node per segment
Segments can also be connected/disconnected with various functions that set "tree_changed = 1;"
 nrn_disconnect(): called by functions that disconnect the section
connectsec_impl(): connection between two sections -> "tree_changed = 1"
nrn_change_nseg(): change the number of segments in section. It also sets `tree_changed = 1;`, `diam_changed = 1;` and `sec->recalc_area_ = 1;`
Segments can also be connected/disconnected with various functions that set "tree_changed = 1;"...
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Insert Mechanisms

After registering the mechanisms the user can insert them in the needed compartments. To do so they need to call the insert function on the proper section.

Insert mechanism
Insert mec...
mech_insert1(): insert mechanism to the Section (meaning all the nodes of the sction by calling prop_alloc())
mech_insert1(): insert mechanism to the Section (meaning all the nodes of the sction by calling prop_alloc())
From python: NPySecObj_insert
From python: NPySecObj_insert
From hoc: MechanismType::insert
prop_alloc(): sets `v_structure_change = 1;`
It allocates a new `Prop` struct for the mechanism and calls the `<mech_name>_alloc` function defined in the mechanism file.
`Prop` constructor calls constructor of `Mechanism::owning_handle`, which inserts a new element into each of the underlying data vectors (`field_data<Tag, FieldImplementation::RuntimeVariable>::m_storage[i]` for all `i`)
`Prop` constructor calls constructor of `Mechanism::owning_handle`, which inserts a new element into each of the underlying data vectors (`field_data<Tag, FieldImplementation:...
Look at "Memory allocation of field_data"
Look at "Memory allocation of field_data"
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Memory allocation of field data

During the mechanism insertion the needed data structures to hold their data are also allocated. This is done by appending to the SoA data structures of the data a new element for the newly inserted mechanism.

Memory allocation of field_data (SoAoS)
Memory all...
Node has neuron::container::Node::owning_handle memberConstructor of owning_handle  calls acquire_owning_identifier for both Prop has neuron::container::Mehcanism::owning_handle member
By calling for_all_vectors<detail::may_cause_reallocation::Yes>() we append to the m_storage of field_data an element. We also set the m_ptr (std::unique_ptr<std::size_t, deleter>) of the owning_identifier to the old_size. This identifier will be used as offset to access the corresponding element from other parts of the code. Due to the fact that we use the detail::may_cause_reallocation::Yes template, when we call for_all_vectors() the m_data_ptrs member of the field_data for mechanisms will be updated to use the up to date pointers to the m_storage vectors
By calling for_all_vectors<detail::may_cause_reallocation::Yes>() we append to the m_stor...
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After all the simulation Section have been created, along with the data structures assigned to them and their mechanisms, all the underlying data structures are ordered and initialized. At this stage, the INITIAL blocks of the inserted MOD files are also executed.

Call to finitialize()
nrn_finitialize(int, double)
finitialize passes initial voltage value to finitialize
nrn_finitialize(int, double)...
Call to finitialize handler kernels with type == 3
Takes care of recalculating circuit related geometry like topology, v vectors and diameters. Also calls nrn_solver_prepare 
if(tree_changed) -> setup_topology(): Sets up pointer to the parents of the sections
if(tree_changed) -> setup_topology(): Sets up pointer to the parents of the sections
if (v_structure_change) -> v_setup_vectors():
Frees and sets up: NrnThreads and memb_list, Calls function that setup auxiliary structs as well to keep track of pointers of C++ objects, Vectors of NrnThread, etc, Setup longitudinal diffusion with call to long_difus_solve(), Setup CVode with call to nrn_nonvint_block_setup()
if (v_structure_change) -> v_setup_vectors():...
if (diam changed) -> recalc_diam(): Reruns v_setup_vectors(), allocates and sets hines matrix data structures in nrn_matrix_node_alloc() and connection_coef(), stim_prepare(), synapse_prepare() and clamp_prepare() set up record/stimulus/synapses
if (diam changed) -> recalc_diam(): Reruns v_setup_vectors(), allocates and sets hines matrix data structures in nrn_matrix_node_alloc() and co...
nrn_solver_prepare(): prepare CVode for execution
Sets up fornetcon objects, calls NetCvode::init_global that does a final check that topology, vectors and recalc_diam are set.
nrn_solver_prepare(): prepare CVode for execution...
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